You ask, and Gaza University answers
- When is the announcement for admissions opened every academic year and where?
The Admissions Department announces the opening of admissions on the university's homepage, click her, and in local newspapers after the completion of the General Secondary Certificate exams.
- How can one obtain the admissions package?
Students can go to Gaza University's Admissions and Registration Department to obtain the admissions package.
- What are the required documents to be submitted with the admissions application?
Two personal photos, a copy of the birth certificate, a copy of the identification card, and an attested copy of the General Secondary Certificate grades report. All documents should be submitted only to the Admissions Department.
- Is there a minimum grade requirement for acceptance into the university?
Yes, there is a minimum grade requirement determined by the Admissions Committee based on the minimum acceptance grade for the General Secondary Certificate.
- If I enroll in a specific major at the university, can I transfer to another major?
Yes, if your General Secondary Certificate grade matches the acceptance requirements for the desired major, the courses you have completed will be evaluated and credited toward the new major's curriculum.
- I am a student who wishes to transfer to Gaza University. What are the requirements and the required documents?
You can do so by visiting the Admissions and Registration Department at the university or by referring to the academic system by
- What are the possible steps to follow if a student is accepted into the university for the first semester but fails to complete their financial transactions within the specified time?
If a student is accepted into the university but fails to complete their financial transactions (seat confirmation), they can renew their application for the second semester without submitting a new application, subject to a nominal fee.
- If a student is accepted into the university, attends classes, and then withdraws for some reason, what steps should they follow to return to the university?
The student must fill out a re-enrollment application to be readmitted to the university and pay the relevant fees, provided that they have not exceeded the legal time limit.
- Does Gaza University provide informational brochures about faculties and majors?
Yes, you can obtain a copy from the Admissions and Registration Department.