Learning English has become an urgent requirement to deal with globalization and cultural diversity among different civilizations. In fact, the Department of English Language and Translation at Gaza University is one of the leading departments not only at the level of the Faculty of Languages and Mass Communication, but also at the university level. English Language and Translation Department is distinguished as the only one at the level of Palestine that grants a bachelor's degree in translation, as the translation major in other Palestinian universities is a minor, not a major. The establishment of this department came as a response to the Palestinian society's need for qualified and professional translators who can convey ambitions, dreams and suffering of the Palestinian people to the West. The department provides high-quality education for students that includes the latest findings of translation experts and scholars in the field, in addition to using the latest technological means that help translators to do their work. The department also provides training inside and outside the university for students, so that they can practice the profession and thus compete in the labor market.
The Bachelor of English Language and Translation program offers an academic plan and a wide-ranging curriculum for language, translation sciences, and literature that combines comprehensiveness and depth in dealing with knowledge in all English language skills in order to improve the student's language skills.
English Department has a long-term vision and great ambitions to be at the forefront of the most important academic institutions in the world. We are confident that we are moving forward in adopting an educational environment capable of preparing and qualifying graduates who are able to face challenges creatively.
1- Graduating qualified students in the field of English language and translation who are able to do their job with high efficiency.
2-Developing students' experience and knowledge to enable them to adapt to the different cultures of the world, where language and translation are the most important foundations for effective cultural communication.
3-Developing culturally aware students with high proficiency in English language to continue their postgraduate studies in linguistics, literature and translation.
4-Enhancing cooperation and partnerships with various educational institutions and private and public sector institutions.
Department objectives
1-Preparing distinguished graduates who are competent in translation disciplines and English language to work in various fields in the public and private sectors.
2-Preparing students who are able to contribute effectively to the development of the local and global community by using good English language and intercultural communication skills.
3-Enhancing the student's knowledge, skills and language proficiency to be able to use English language effectively.
4-Educating students about the role of language, translation and literature in the creation and development of human civilization.
5-Providing students with a comprehensive knowledge in terms of translation and linguistics.
6-Conducting theoretical, experimental and applied research in the fields of English language and translation.
7-Interacting and cooperating with the public and private sectors by providing studies and consultations in teaching and practicing English language and translation.
Course Description:English Language and Translation
اسم المساق |
توصيف المساق باللغة العربية |
لغة انجليزية 2 |
متطلب جامعي يدمج بين المهارات اللغوية الأربعة ( القراءة والكتابة والاستماع والمحادثة) ويهدف إلى تنمية قدرة الطلبة فيها بغية إعدادهم للدراسة الجامعية. فمهارة القراءة تركز على الاستراتيجيات اللازمة لتعزيز سرعة استيعاب الطلبة. ومهارة الكتابة تركز على صياغة الأسئلة والإجابة عنها كما تركز مهارة الكتابة على صياغة الأسئلة والإجابة عنها وعلى مهارات المراجعة والتحرير الذاتي وعلى تقييم سلامة الفقرة وصحتها من الناحية التركيبية وتركز مهارة الاستماع على استيعاب الأفكار الرئيسية والتفصيلات الدقيقة للمادة السمعية. أما مهارة المحادثة فتركز على أسئلة المدرس والطلبة والإجابة عنها. بالإضافة الى مهارة تعلم قواعد اللغة الانجليزية على مستوى مبتدئ ومبسط
تكنولوجيا الترجمة |
مساق تكنولوجيا الترجمة من المسافات العملية التي تتمحور حول تعريف الطلاب بكيفية استخدام الوسائل الإلكترونية بطريقة صحيحة وفعالة لمساعدتهم في مجال الترجمة و تسهل عملهم كمترجمين.
مقدمة في نظريات الترجمة |
يقدم هذا المقرر القضايا الهامة في دراسات الترجمة ويبين العلاقة بين المفاهيم النظرية وعملية الترجمة الواقعية وذلك من خلال أمثلة وتمارين شاملة. يركز المقرر على النظريات المتعلقة بتدخل اللغة الأم (العربية) والترجمة الحرفية والأخطاء النحوية المترتبة على ذلك.
الرواية |
يهدف هذا المساق إلى تزويد الطلاب بالمعلومات المهمة عن تعريف الرواية وعناصرها المهمة ، ولمحة عن تاريخ تطور الرواية في الأدب الإنجليزي ، وصولاً إلى الدراسة النقدية لرواية وليم جولدينج سيد الحشرات. |
مقدمة في الأدب |
يهدف هذا المساق إلى تزويد الطالب ببعض المعلومات المهمة عن الأدب الإنجليزي من خلال تغطية المواضيع والعصور الأدبية التالية : الأدب الإنجليزي القديم ، المتوسط ، الحديث ،النهضة و المسرح في عصر إليزابيث ،عصر الاسترداد و جون ميلتون ، القرن الثامن عشر والرواية والرومانسية ، والأدب في العصر الحديث |
ترجمة فورية 2 |
Stemmed from the knowledge gained and skills acquired in ENCL3331 Simultaneous Interpreting (1), this course is an extension of Simultaneous Interpreting (1); it aims at developing the skills of Simultaneous Interpreting (1), more professionally. The students will participate in a workshop conducted with the aim of helping students enhance and increase the skills needed to work as a professional interpreter. The students will also be introduced to the psychological (e.g., dedication, patience) and linguistic constraints, especially when asked to interpret a piece of work without the interruption of the audience. This is done through practicing a wide range of speech genres such as politics, economics, etc., with an emphasis on advanced strategies for simultaneous interpreting. Students will be tasked to interpret simultaneously between Arabic and English and vice versa, as if they were in an actual conference, on any topic selected by the course tutor |
ترجمة علمية طبية |
The aim of this course is to provide the students with practical skills for translating different types of scientific and medical texts, including user manuals, instructions, guides, statistical data, scientific articles and medical reports, in order to write and produce documents in both Arabic and English, professionally. A special attention will be paid to broadening students’ knowledge of specific scientific and medical terminologies and their equivalents. This is done through the use of various theoretical frameworks-methods and procedures- e.g., translation by addition vs emission; foreignization vs domestication; faithful vs idiomatic translation. |
ترجمة تجارية |
This course introduces students to issues related to the translation of commercial and financial texts in Arabic and English. A special attention will be paid to the linguistic features of these texts. Also, the course will show students, through examples being set, ways of translating these texts in the Arabic and English language. The course focuses on texts that discuss topics, locally, regionally and globally, where the translation in both languages is regularly required, including formal and informal correspondence, trademark assignment, cheque forms, credit/debit note, commercial instruments, etc. |
مقدمة في علم الدلالة |
This three-hour credit module aims at introducing students to how languages organise and express meaning through words, parts of words, sentences, and discourse. Topics include: basic ideas in semantics; the semiotic triangle: language, mind, world and meaning; pragmatics; synonyms and opposites and their types; denotation and connotation; language and thought; lexical relations between sentences including paraphrase, entailment, implicature and presupposition; lexical semantics including antonymy, hypernymy, hyponymy, homophony, polysemy, sense and referring expressions; types of deixis; word formation process; broken rules; types of ambiguity; types of puns; context and inference; speech act theory; cohesion and coherence; types of meaning; non-literal meaning, prosody; and non-verbal communication, etc. |
استماع وتحدث 2 |
This course is an extension of Listening and Speaking 1. This course aims to help students better speak and understand English more enough to be able to take courses in English on any subject being taught at Gaza university. This course develops speaking and listening competences and skills in various contexts. It assists the students become more comfortable and fluent in conversational English. The course incorporates level-appropriate listening techniques and practice in order to aid in students’ comprehension. The course also includes a variety of level-appropriate speaking tasks and practice in the form of discussions, debate, presentations, and interviews. In this course, the students will be required to do the following: listen to news bulletins, weather forecasts and radio interviews of world leaders; giving oral presentations; and participating in class discussions. They will also be introduced to many interesting and practical topics for learning vocabulary and everyday expressions the way they hear them in conversation, not the way they studied English in traditional textbooks. There will be more discussion time on interesting topics with ample practice time for individuals, and emphasis will be on developing and extending conversation. |
كتابة 2 |
إعطاء الطلاب قواعد الكتابة السليمة والقواعد الصحيحة لكتابة المقال وذلك عن طريق تدريب مكثف يتضمن الاستخدام الصحيح لعلامات الترقيم وادوات الربط. |
قواعد لغة انجليزية 2 |
This course offers a general review of basic grammatical rules and structures of the English language through varied practice activities. Verb tenses are given pre-eminence as one of the objectives of the course is to enable students to express themselves confidently while making clear and appropriate time reference to the past, present and future. Other topics to be covered include passive, reported speech, definite and indefinite articles, pronouns, and modals. This intensive overview of English grammar helps students to demonstrate ability of controlling the target forms in their own writing.