Dean’s Message
The Dean's Office of the Faculty of Communication and Languages is deliberately committed to enhancing a spirit of excellence, creativity, and dedication. It strives to elevate the faculty towards further modernity and leadership, forming a model to be emulated both locally and internationally. This is achieved by focusing on the development of the academic and research skills of the faculty members, as well as the enhancement of students' scientific and practical skills in alignment with the scientific and professional vision and mission of the college, in accordance with the quality standards applied in Palestine and beyond. This is accomplished through the integration of the academic and professional dimensions, in harmony with the needs and requirements of the local, Arab, and international markets for trained media and language competencies that keep pace with the technical, professional, and scientific advancements in the field of communication and languages.
We will spare no effort in continuing the journey of construction, dedication, excellence, and creativity. Our focus in various courses is on theoretical, practical, and technical dimensions that qualify graduates to work in media institutions, educational institutions, and translation. Additionally, we are keen on entering into cultural and academic agreements with Arab and Western universities and international organizations to provide opportunities for students and faculty members to develop their academic and professional capacities.
In light of this vision, the Dean's Office of the Faculty in its current term seeks to achieve the following objectives:
- Teaching students various arts of media and communication and enhancing their proficiency in the English language to contribute qualified and professional journalists to the Palestinian community and its media and press institutions. These journalists are trained in the latest communication and audience engagement techniques at the local, regional, and international levels.
- Graduating qualified media professionals capable of conducting various forms of scientific research in media to serve the issues of the Palestinian community.
- Developing the curricula of the faculty departments and preparing them with the assistance of prestigious Western and Arab universities.
- Establishing close relationships with relevant ministries, as well as official institutions and local community organizations related to media, communication, and languages.
- Working on launching an electronic magazine as a training laboratory for the faculty’s students to practice various arts of media, communication, journalism, and languages.
- Investing in and activating the laboratories of journalistic editing, languages, and media studio to produce numerous media and artistic works.
My colleagues
I invite you to actively participate and work with us as one team, to be partners in the journey of construction and development. Let us build a serious dialogue for the advancement of the faculty and its position at the Palestinian, Arab, and global levels. We will contribute to building the Palestinian community and encourage the outstanding and qualified students of the faculty, both intellectually and professionally, to serve their people, their homeland, and help in the development of their society.
Together, we will strive to make the Faculty of Mass Communication and Languages at the forefront of excellence and leadership among its counterpart faculties in Palestine. Based on these principles, the door is open to everyone to contribute to the advancement of the faculty and assist us in achieving our noble goals.
And we adopt and focus on three core slogans in our work, which are:
- Boundless dedication and remarkable achievement.
- Professional lecturers, outstanding students, and remarkable accomplishments.
- Working towards excellence.
- Together, striving to develop the college and elevate it to higher levels.
Introduction about the college
FMCL at Gaza University is one of the pioneering faculties that obtained accreditation from the Accreditation and Quality Assurance Authority in the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research in 2010. It is one of the distinguished faculties at the national level and comprises two departments:
- Medial Department
- English Language and Translation Department
Faculty Mission
Preparing competent individuals with dedication and creativity in the fields of communication and languages, enriching scientific research with specialized studies and interdisciplinary studies, supported by postgraduate programs, and contributing to serving the community by achieving the highest quality standards, according to the following principles:
- Providing distinguished education through a range of specializations in the fields of communication and languages at the undergraduate level.
- Preparing graduates at advanced levels of scientific, professional, and technological knowledge and equipping them with high-quality skills, in accordance with international standards, so that they can excel and be at the forefront of competition in the Palestinian and global job market.
- Contributing to serving the Palestinian community by producing outstanding graduates who are responsible citizens and pioneers in culture, development, and societal advancement. This is achieved through the development and revitalization of Palestinian media, fostering a positive impact on culture, progress, and development within the community.
- Adopting a pedagogical approach that combines face-to-face instruction with synchronous e-learning as a supportive teaching method.
Faculty Vision
FMCL aspires to achieve leadership, excellence, and creativity in the fields of communication and languages. It is guided by a scientific philosophy that is built upon scientific research and practical application, through an institution or a cellular foundation affiliated with the university. The aim is to meet the needs of the Palestinian society, bring about positive change, enhance its culture, and promote positive values.
Furthermore, FMCL aims to become a distinguished and exemplary research center at the local, regional, and international levels. It seeks to be a reference and a primary source of information, serving as a launching pad for Palestinian English-language media. This will be achieved by integrating the fields of communication and languages.
Faculty Objectives
- Preparing students academically and practically in various disciplines within the faculty so that they graduate with the ability and knowledge to apply theoretical concepts in their field of work with a high level of professionalism.
- Developing students' media and linguistic skills.
- Providing a positive and professional environment within the faculty and enhancing a relationship based on respect between the faculty administration, faculty members, students, and staff.
- Providing educational and administrative staff who demonstrate the highest levels of professional performance, responsibility, honesty, and dedication.
- Offering distinguished postgraduate programs to meet the needs of the Palestinian society and to prepare academic personnel who contribute to the development of higher education. This is achieved by meeting quality and standard criteria for the programs, according to both local and international quality standards.
- Activating and promoting scientific research and developing research within bachelor's and master's programs.
- Equipping the Palestinian and Arab communities, as well as the job market, with competent and qualified professionals who are practical and creative, and who can address and discuss societal issues with constructive criticism, clarity, objectivity, and depth. This is aimed at achieving positive change in the comprehensive development of Palestinian society through a scientific methodology.
- Changing and developing the Palestinian presence in global knowledge by enhancing the narrative.
Faculty of Mass Communication and Languages at Gaza University, enjoys several advantages that it values to ensure high-quality education and a promising academic approach. It aims to produce graduates who possess high skills, helping them succeed and compete in the job market alongside their peers. The faculty is committed to providing a highly qualified teaching staff with extensive academic and professional experience. Additionally, it has received international awards in their respective fields of specialization.
The faculty excels in providing a real learning environment and offering individual guidance and academic counseling to each student. It also continues to support students to help them achieve success in their studies and enable them to compete and achieve awards in various competitions held at the local and international levels.
FMCL encourages students to participate in scientific research supervised by faculty members. It also organizes regular field trips to diverse institutions as part of its experiential curriculum.
Students of the faculty have a remarkable record of performance and outstanding participation in competitions and events such as the Excellence Program, Ana-jawwal Program, local and international scientific conferences, and the Environmental Oratory Competition for faculties, which is supervised by FMCL. This creates a distinct creative environment that fulfills their desire to make a difference in society and positions them as ambassadors for the university in the country
Importantly, all programs offered by FMCL are accredited by the Accreditation and Quality Assurance Commission in the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research - Ramallah. This confirms the high-quality standards upheld by the faculty's programs, both at the local and international levels, ensuring the attainment of globally recognized academic qualifications.
Faculty Facilities
Lab of English Language and Translation
The Language Laboratory includes 25 computer devices and a projector. The lab is used for the following purposes:
- Translation lectures are held in it to cover the practical aspects of the course and train students on using the latest technology tools in the field of translation.
- It allows students from the Translation Department to use the laboratory for educational purposes outside lecture hours in order to enhance their linguistic abilities in the English language and provide training in translation.
The media studio is equipped with a range of modern equipment and devices for student training, which is considered a qualitative addition to the Media Department. It should be noted that the department has produced numerous films and visual reports.
The Journalism Editing Lab
The Media Department is equipped with a laboratory in which the highly practical editing course is taught.
Opportunitys Of Work
Media Department
The Department offers the following main courses:
- Photojournalism
- Journalistic editing
- Designing and layout of print publications
- Media editing and montage
- Preparation of Radio and Television Programmes
- Radio and television presentation and correspondence
- Freelancing
Translation Department:
- Working as a translator in institutions (international, media, government, legal).
- Freelance translation work.
- Simultaneous interpretation.
- Teaching English language.